Recommendations for Students Running a Similar Event in the Future

Get along more

Be clear about what audience can touch, take and what they couldn’t

Be more focused

Don’t go on the computers lots

Be organised – knowing what your role is

Do not leave things late

Make sure your stall is eye catching

Get more food

Wear a costume because it really stands out.

Be confident when presenting. – Know what your role is and how to do it well. Practice.

Do your best.


Room 13 – Year 5






  • Cornell Note-Taking System – learning to focus on key words to remember information
  • Choice of access to websites
  •  Cornell-Note-Taking-System was confusing (splitting the page into different parts-not knowing exactly where to write certain information) and difficult to understand (time consuming-) What was the reason for asking the question based on the information noted?
  •  note-taking new things
  •  learning about the different cultures because some people haven’t visited these places and they had the chance to touch money etc.
  • Interesting to know that our school is very diverse and there are lots of different cultures
  • Surveying our families
  • finding out about different people and the countries that they came from
  • learning about why and when people came to Australia
Way of working
  • access to books
  • team work
  •  silly behaviour
  •  accessing interesting facts in  books and on the internet
  • peer presentations were informative
  • working students from other classes
Final Event
  •  great success
  • audience was interested
  • traditional outfits
  • dances – drew attention to the stalls, fun or the presenters
  • audience trying food and listening to information
  • laptops/tablets presenting pictures or videos (multimedia)
  • focus on food rather than information – being respectful of the time and effort that has gone into researching and preparing the event
  • too many people/classes at the same time, too loud
  • lots of interest in henna and calligraphy
  • instead of powerpoint have a photo of th school ‘Welcome to NPS Multicultural Event’
  • Some people not engaging the audience
  • interesting to see the different cultural outfits
  • ingredients listed next to food
  • asking quiz questions and being rewarded for good listening (food)
  •  everyone contributed
  • most people learnt something new


  •  being responsible for producing our own stall


Room 14 – Year 5/6








 Intro to Inquiry was a useful starting point


 Using Cornell note taking system

researching skills


 Time line / places

Learnt new info/facts

 Way of working

 Use other resources besides the internet when researching

All team members contributing

Parent and student engagement


 Creativity involved – great!
 Final Event

 Placement of stalls

Props and decorations intriguing

Dances / performances

Something worthwhile to share

Costumes were appealing


 Tiring for presenters: perhaps a seat!

All members not contributing equally

Water bottle for voice

Some leaving stalls

Some visited interested only in food

Amounts of available food

Allergies / provide ingredient list

Some stalls = limited information

Audience were sometimes distracted: presenters to maintain engagement

 Don’t use food to necessarily attract others

Lots of adults present

Audience wanted more info on visuals, not typed up info


Some audience members didn’t ask questions

Limited feedback for some groups

Ingredients in food items

Year 7’s were providing useful feedback (as observers)

Some Year 7’s weren’t fulfilling their roles


Other Extended learning after event – own will


Room 12 – Year 5







 People learning dances

How to say hello, speak in different languages

Creating the stall


 Learning about all the different cultures

Cornell Note taking

Easy to choose a country


 Interesting information

Good to learn about all the different cultures

All the different languages

 More access to technology to research – iPads  Learning how people act when greeted
 Way of working

 Everyone got a chance to display

Great feedback from staff, students and peers

Working with others to find interesting facts

 split the groups up more evenly

Choose a country of your choice

Choose a country that your family is not connected to

Choosing parts

More practice time – whole team/ group

 Final Event

 Different foods

The beautiful costumes

How information was presented – pictures

How people came to our stall – audience

 only came to get food – didn’t learn anything (took food)

Games just to win lollies

Reaction of audience to ingredients in food was a bit rude (black pudding, cold roll)

Lolly jar – created too much excitement – wanted to open


Food was a distraction from information

More set up time – rushed to get ready

Food allergies taken into account – permission?

Feedback from year sevens – explaining to year seven took one member away from the group

More space for the stalls

 Each stall different – Interesting, colourful

Yuta – names in Japanese

Learnt how to say hello in different languages


Different clothing worn

Easy to get rid of all the food – everyone wanted to try some





Images of Australian Geckos

Images of Australian Gecko eggs

australian gecko eggs

Images of Geckos