Week 5

Voki Task
Voki Task

The Year 5, 6 and 7 students have continued to work on their talking avatars. They are almost ready to share. Some editing is still necessary – punctuation and spelling are an important factor here otherwise the computer reads the script in an unusual way.

The Year 3 and 4 students have used their researched findings about a variety of Cyber Safety topics, from last week, to create some posters which provide advice to others.

The Year 1 and 2 students have reviewed some of the things they have learnt from playing Zippep’s Astro Circus. They have practised in pairs to complete these sentences:
* I feel safe when…
* To keep safe when online I can…
* If I see something online that upsets me I can…
* If someone makes me feel unhappy I can…
Some students have also had an opportunity to video tape their sentences above using the class iPads.

The Reception students focused on ‘feelings’. We read a book about Feeling Happy, which had lots of ideas about how to make yourself and others happy.

Students reflected on one of the games from Zippep’s Astro Circus where they had to pick out whether certain statements were nice or not nice, and how these can make you feel. They practised smiling (to show happy) when puppets said nice things to each other, and frowning when the puppets said not nice things to each other. They all had a good understanding of what is nice and not nice.

Then students started to make their own ‘My Feelings’ booklet. The plan is to then make an electronic version of this using the iPads. A couple of students learnt how to make their first page and were good at helping each other. This will be our challenge over the next few sessions.

Global Project – Year 6s: ‘A Week in the Life’

The year 6 classes have signed up to be involved in the global project titled ‘A Week in the Life’. Students will join others from the United States, Thailand, Nepal, Bulgaria and New Zealand to connect, communicate and explore environmental issues of local and global significance.

The essential questions we aim to answer:
1. What are the similarities and differences among children around the world?
2. How can we connect with each other through our commonalities?
3. How does your geography, history and lifestyle of where you live impact your topic?
4. What are essential solutions to researched global issues and how can we share these?

Students will communicate through Edmodo – an educational ‘Facebook’ type environment, and create artifacts in teams with students around the world.

The first part of this project is the Handshake phase where students introduce themselves to each other.

I will look forward to sharing some of the learning throughout this project.

Week 4

The Year 5,6 and 7 students this week worked on creating an animated avatar to introduce themselves to our audience – you! Hopefully at the end of next week we will be ready to share some of these. Please feel free to provide students with feedback on their ‘Vokis’.

The Year 3 and 4 students worked in pairs to research a particular aspect of cyber safety, for example: online games, cyber bullying, and netiquette. They will be adding posts on this blog to share some advice.

The Reception to Year 2 students enjoyed playing Zippep’s Astro Circus on the iPads. This game has been designed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority to teach young students how to keep safe when using the internet. It covers aspects such as: establishing a network of trusted adults who can help, keeping passwords safe, and being nice to others online and off. Parents could support their young children at home by checking out this game at home.

Week 3

Year 7 classes viewed this video as an introduction. It helped to stimulate an interesting discussion about potential problems associated with online activities.

#GameOn – Episode 1 – Stealing Grace from ACMACybersmart on Vimeo.

They also examined what they want everyone to know about them (including their reputation and values), and information which should not be shared with everyone.

Year 1/2 classes were introduced to Zippep’s Astro Circus, a game which we will be using in the next few weeks to teach students how to keep themselves safe. Here’s the introductory video we viewed to generate interest.

Students have identified adults they can turn to when they need help.

Year 3/4 classes


Year 5
Video – Game On to stimulate discussion about possible problems that can arise.
How do you keep yourself safe online?
Network – Students identified 5 adults (at home and school) who they can turn to when difficulties arise.

Reception students:
Introduced to Zippep’s Astro Circus
Students talked about what they know about circuses.
We then watched the introductory video and chose 4 adults who can help to make students feel safe.
(Next week we will need to come up with a simple password to play the game on the iPads.)

Week 2: Reflection and Goal Setting

Room 9 (Year 4):
What did you enjoy learning last year during RBL/ICT sessions?

  • being on the computer
  • climate change work
  • newspaper report on Captain Cook, Abel Tasman
  • Animals of Australia
  • Camp slide show
  • Cyber Safety
  • learning about rivers in Australia

What can you do now that you couldn’t do before?

  • hyperlinks
  • make tables
  • make and paste web links into documents
  • research like a pro
  • learned keyboard commands – computer tricks and shortcuts
  • type faster
  • search safely
  • Word tricks

What are you looking forward to learning in 2015?

  • writing books
  • making a website
  • learning about the human body
  • dinosaurs
  • researching
  • history of sport
  • other countries
  • making video games
  • how computers work
  • history of America and London
  • more computer tricks
  • learning about Google

Room 15 (Year 7):

What did you enjoy learning last year during RBL/ICT sessions?

  • making movies
  • researching and going to various sites
  • creating multi-modal texts – War on Worlds
  • Pic Monkey
  • Cyber Bullying sessions – Bully for You – solutions
  • Advanced searching
  • Weebly
  • Domo animations
  • how to add other components to an ICT project
  • website making
  • safe searching
  • making house
  • Inquiry – Miracles and Catastrophes of War
  • photo editing
  • how to download free music to add to videos

What can you do now that you couldn’t before?

  • keyword search
  • make movies using Windows Movie Maker
  • make a website through Weebly
  • animation – Domo
  • use Pic Monkey
  • copyright images
  • create multi-modal texts – to communicate a message

What are you looking forward to learning in 2015?

  • how to make websites and blogs
  • how to make movies/ videos to put on You Tube
  • how to create games
  • fun computer sites – solving mysteries (like Bully for You)
  • 3D animation
  • basic computer code
  • website using html
  • Java
  • You Tube
  • book reviews – (put these on You Tube)
  • more picture editing
  • building a video game
  • Stop Motion
  • 3D models – Sketch Up